Visual signalling product range
Color code
Serious danger - act now!
Warning - proceed with care
Ok - proceed as normal
Process notice, such as toxic gas alarm
No specific meaning, ideal for night time and maximum light output
Levels of brightness
Brightness depends upon the type of beacon chosen, the rated power output of the unit i.e. watts and joules, the distance that the signal is observed from and the dome colour of the beacon used. In general, if the viewing distance is doubled, the light intensity observed is reduced to a quarter and if the distance is quadrupled the light intensity is reduced to a sixteenth.
LED beacons
A light emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits visible light when an electrical current passes through it. The four major benefits of LED technology incorporated into warning beacons are: low power requirement, high efficiency, long life, multiple colour signals in a single beacon.

MOLED80 Beacons
12 LEDs Static/Flashing
Red/Amber/Green/ Blue
Low-Profile 120* viewing axis

MOLED195 Beacons
36 LEDs Static/Flashing (60/120FPM)
Red/Amber/Green/ Blue/Clear
Low-Profile 120* viewing axis

MOLED125 Beacons
48 LEDs Static/Flashing (60/120FPM)
90dB Piezo Buzzer
Red/Amber/Green/ Blue/Clear

MOLED400 Beacons
48 LEDs Static/Flashing (60/120FPM)/Rotating (140RPM)
90dB Piezo Buzzer
Red/Amber/Green/ Blue/Clear

Xenon (strobe) beacons
A discharge capacitor operating through a converter circuit ignites xenon gas inside a tube creating a brilliant flash of light. Xenon gas ignites virtually instantaneously so maximum brightness is obtained immediately. Xenons have an added advantage of low current consumption combined with long life. The tube life of a xenon beacon is approximately 5 million flashes. These units are the most efficient available incorporating a 360-degree light output with the brightest and most effective vis

MOX195 Beacons
5 Joule Static/Flashing (60FPM)
Red/Amber/Green/ Blue/Clear
Low-Profile 120* viewing axis

MOX125 Beacons
2 Joule Static/Flashing (60/120FPM)
90dB Piezo Buzzer
Red/Amber/Green/ Blue/Clear

Rotating beacons
A parabolic reflector, driven by an electric motor, revolves around a continuously illuminated bulb on the vertical axis of the beacon, creating a powerful beam of light travelling through 360 degrees. These units are available with either a filament or a tungsten halogen bulb. In general, this type of beacon has a greater degree of light output than other models, but this is reduced as the parabolic reflector only illuminates one given point at a time .