- Products
- Power Distribution and Protection
- Transfer Switches
- Automatic Transfer Switches
- Terasaki NHP MCCB Basic Transfer Switches
Terasaki NHP MCCB Basic Transfer Switches
The TemBreak basic transfer switches are open transition transfer switches and are used to switch between a normal power source and a backup power source in the event of essential power supply failing. Ampere ratings range from 63A to 1600A. The Basic Transfer Switches (BTS) come equipped with motors for remote operation. When combined with an external transfer switch controller like the Socomec C55/C65, it becomes an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) to maximize the efficiency and convenience of power transfer.

Product Features
Electronic controller kits ATYSC55CIP or ATYSC65CIP available for 160A - 3200A.
Motor driven, mechanically interlocked MCCBs with overload protection.
Ready to Go
Pre-assembled and wired on a mounting plate.
Motorised MCCBs 3P+3P and 4P+4P types.
Wide Range
Basic transfer switches are sized from 160A, ranging up to 3200A.