  1. Products
  2. Industrial Control and Automation
  3. Machine Safety
  4. Trapped Key Interlock Switches
  5. Allen-Bradley 440T Prosafe Access and Chains Trapped Key Interlock Switches

Allen-Bradley 440T Prosafe Access and Chains Trapped Key Interlock Switches

The Allen-Bradley 440T Access/Chains Trapped Key Interlock Switches allow access to hazardous areas when the appropriate key is inserted. Providing a rugged industrial grade method of preventing access through gates, they are actuated by either a lever or a rod that is connected to chain and available with a wide variety of key configurations.

Allen-Bradley 440T Prosafe Rotary Trapped Key Interlock Switches

Product Features

IP Rating

IP Rating

Enclosure rating of IP65.



Safety rating of Type 3, CAT 3 and PLd.

Security Shield

Security Shield

Designed with trapped key interlocking system ensuring hazardous machines are electrically isolated and accessible only when safe.