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  2. Industrial Control and Automation
  3. Field Switching and Sensing
  4. Encoders
  5. Allen-Bradley 843ES CIP Safety EtherNet/IP Absolute Encoders

Allen-Bradley 843ES CIP Safety EtherNet/IP Absolute Encoders

The Allen-Bradley 843ES CIP Safety over EtherNet/IP™ Encoders are designed for safety applications requiring speed, direction, or position monitoring of safety functions. Utilising GuardLogix® in the Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application to provide auxiliary feedback directly through an EtherNet/IP network on CIP Safety, ensuring safety integrity and performance levels. Ideal solution for industrial applications needing enhanced safety, efficiency, and cost effectiveness.

Allen-Bradley 843ES CIP Safety EtherNet IP Absolute Encoders

Product Features



Available with automatic diagnostics reducing the need for additional programming.

Ethernet Connectivity

Ethernet Connectivity

Fitted with dual Ethernet ports for linear and Device Level Ring topologies for seamless integration into existing Allen-Bradley PLC's.



Suitable with major absolute encoder protocols such as Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) , Bidirectional interface for Serial/Synchronous(BiSS) and bidirectional interface for encoders(EnDat).



Fitted with absolute encoder for exact positioning of the shaft at power-up, removing the need for a reference move.



Safety rating of CAT 3, SIL 3 and PLe.

Wide Range

Wide Range

Fitted with 18-bit single-turn standard resolution and 15-bit safety resolution.